The Center for Media Studies and Peacebuilding CEMESP and its partner IWL today Tuesday October 25, 2022, kicked off the third 3-day reginal media

training workshop aimed at building media capacity to enhance women political participation in Liberia. The Training under the UN Women and partners funded project titled: “Promoting Gender Sensitive Elections Reporting and Positive Portrayal of Women Candidates” has assembled 25 Monrovia based journalists at the SMART-Liberia Conference Hall in Monrovia.
The activity is a part of the Liberia Electoral Support Project (LESP), in partnership with the Embassy of Sweden in Monrovia / SIDA, the Embassy of Ireland / Irish Aid, the National Elections Commission of Liberia / NEC, UNDP Liberia and UN Women Liberia. Off course as Executive Director of CEMESP I was honored to deliver the welcome address and provided the overview of the project.