CEMESP and IWL kicks off the third regional media training workshop
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Committee national conference

held public engagement on access to information

ED-Malcolm Joseph had an engagement with the UN Special Rapporteur
Continue Reading- Voice of Sinoe in Greenville, Sinoe County
- Grand Kru, in Barclayville City
- Rivercess Broadcasting Service (RBS Radio) in Cestos City, Rivercess County
- Smile FM in Zwedru
- Peace Radio in Toe Town, Grand Gedeh County
- Voice of Pleeboe in Maryland County
- Radio Tamba-Taikor in Foyah
- Vahun Community Radio all in Lofa County
- As well as Alternative Youth Radios, Radios in Zorzor
The Governing Council of Africa Freedom of Information Center
Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC) is the largest membership Pan-African civil society organization and resource centre that promotes citizens’ right of access to information (ATI) in Africa
Our Executive Director, Mr. Malcolm Wleemogar Joseph, represents Liberia on the Governing Council of Africa Freedom of Information Centre .
The Governing Council (GC) is elected by the General Assembly and manages the Secretariat for a two-year term.
Quest for a legal framework on Data Protection
CEMESP with funding support from Small Media Foundation in past weeks, facilitated several stakeholder’s consultations and held radio shows to promote inclusive participation in the ongoing draft.
As part of our advocacy for the enactment of a Data Protection Legislation in Liberia, we succeeded hosting a forum today soliciting meaningful contributions from State and non-state actors for the ongoing draft bill by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.
The quest for a legal framework on Data Protection seeks to ensure that citizen’s personal data are protected against corruption and compromise especially on digital platforms.
- Media Foundation for West Africa
- International Freedom of Expression Exchange
- Africa freedom of Information center
- Africa Freedom of Expression Network
- Media rights Agenda
- Small Media group
- Press Union of Liberia
- Female Journalists association of Liberia
- Integrity Watch Liberia
- Elections coordinating Committee